Auto-populating a child table in Frappe and/or ERPNext can make your application look good and give your users a better experience with the software. In this piece, I will demonstrate the following:
- Adding a Section to a DocType
- Adding a Child Table to a DocType
- Writing a Custom Script to Query the backend
- Executing a Frappe Call to grab the data
- Writing an API to provide the data needed
- Auto-populating the data to a child table
- Refreshing a Frappe field to automatically effect the changes
On this post I will provide the two pieces of code needed to finish the work:
Custom Script Code
We will to use a Custom Script to send the request to our custom endpoint and also to handle the response.
frappe.ui.form.on('Library Member', { author: function(frm){ let author =; if(author){{ method: "library_management.api.get_author_articles", args: {author: author} }).done((r) => { frm.doc.my_article = [] $.each(r.message, function(_i, e){ let entry = frm.add_child("my_article"); entry.article_name =; }) refresh_field("my_article") }) } } })
API Code
We will write our Custom API endpoint which will be responsible for querying the data we need to return to the frontend.
@frappe.whitelist() def get_author_articles(author): articles = frappe.db.sql(f""" SELECT name FROM `tabArticle Library` WHERE article_author='{author}' """, as_dict=True) return articles
Here is a YouTube video for the whole process.